I fight for Spira. The people long for the Calm. I can give it to them. It's all I can give. Defeating Sin, ending pain... this I can do.
Beaten: Once, in 2014
Version played: Playstation 3 (HD Remaster)
FFX was a tough game for me to get into because I already knew all the major spoilers. Tidus's whole deal, Auron, Jecht, all of it.
This made for a weird experience. While some things were revealed earlier than I expected, other things weren't. It's kind of tough to feel strongly about a twist when you already know it's coming and what it entails.
That's not to say that I didn't find enjoyment in the game. I did think the story was very good, and I was genuinely surprised by some of the minor twists along the way. It's just that the big moments didn't land, because I knew what was going to happen. I did cry at the ending and was very moved by it, but that was the only thing that really hit for me.
In general, I do try to avoid spoilers, but sometimes it's not so easy. I can't help but wonder if I'd feel more strongly about FFX if I'd been able to go into it blind. I haven't replayed it since 2014, so I can't help but wonder if I'd feel differently about it now.
To be clear, I don't dislike FFX — it really is a very good game. But I didn't latch onto it the way I have with many other Final Fantasy games. I would like to revisit it at some point.
As of this writing, I still haven't played FFX-2. It's one of the last major titles in the series I haven't played. Hopefully I can get to it soon.
Yuna, of course. Yuna is the core of FFX, and her journey is wonderful. One of the things I wasn't spoiled on was the details of the summoner's journey, and it was fantastic to watch it unfold. Yuna is a very wonderful character, and when I replay FFX it'll really be for her.
I don't have a lot of attachment to the rest of the party, unfortunately.
FFX's soundtrack is one I really don't listen to often, probably because I didn't connect with the game that much. I do have some favorite tracks, and they're all amazing, but I'm more likely to just listen to them instead of the whole OST.
Some favorite tracks:
I... really don't have one. I don't think any of the areas really stood out to me the way they do in a lot of the other games.
I suppose Zanarkand? But that's about it.
Man, this is the part where I wish I remembered the game better.
Because I've only played the game once — and because it was a decade ago — I only have vague memories of how FFX actually plays. I remember the way it let you use all your party members at once, which was fantastic, but the actual mechanics beyond that are too fuzzy for me to recall. I do remember liking it a lot, which is a good reason to go back to it sometime.
I'm pretty ambivalent on the sphere grid. I don't mind it, but it was a little tricky to decide how to use it the first time through. I do remember I had to stop and grind for AP a few times, but other than that I didn't dive into it that deeply.
Unfortunately, I hated Blitzball and was terrible at it. Sorry, Blitzball fans.
The one thing I genuinely disliked about FFX was the method to get the ultimate weapons. I am not going to dodge 200 lightning bolts, sorry.