Final Fantasy is a very big franchise with a lot of games. I'm not going to name a number here because then I'd have to keep it updated, but there are a lot. And no, I haven't played them all. Here's a list of the notable ones I left out and what my experience with them is, if any.
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII: I watched all of the cutscenes (which I had to individually download, because it was 2007 and they certainly weren't on Youtube) long before I ever bought the game. By the time I got a Playstation 2 and had any interest in playing it, it was already pretty dated. I got about ten minutes in before quitting. I have no plans of ever changing this decision. I think this is for the best.
Final Fantasy X-2: I beat FFX in 2014 and naturally started up the next game. I then experienced the most wild tone shift in gaming. Seriously, I went from crying my eyes out over FFX's ending to that opening? What the hell? I was so thrown that I set the game down after an hour and never picked it back up. As of 2024 I am planning on playing it soon, at least.
Final Fantasy XI: I didn't have a Playstation 2 in the early 2000s, and I certainly didn't have the money to pay for a subscription MMO as a teenager. By the time I even learned about the game, I wasn't interested; MMOs weren't my thing. (Famous last words.) After I got into FFXIV I naturally became curious about FFXI, so in 2022 or so I downloaded the free trial and got through the (absolutely onerous) installation process.
I took one look at the UI and called it. Seriously, I didn't even last 20 minutes. I can accept a lot of idiosyncracies from old games, but FFXI is a bridge too far even for me. I very much doubt I will ever play it, which is a shame, but it's just a game from a different era than me. I do plan on watching the cutscenes at some point.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings: I got 10 hours into it without being able to decide if I liked it or not. Given I never made it past that point, I don't think I liked it very much. I might revisit it in the future, but it's hard to work up the energy. Also, I have no idea where I put it.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift: I think I got 60% through it before putting it down for some reason. I now have no idea where I put it, which makes it hard to pick back up. In theory I should have loved it considering my affection for FFTA, but I didn't connect with it anywhere near as deeply, unfortunately. One day I'll get back to it.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade: This was a free-to-play mobile game from 2012-2014. I actually did play it and liked it a lot! But it's been a decade since it shut down and I barely remember anything about it. I was a very cute blue mage, for the record.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales: I barely even remember this game existed. I played a lot of bad games on the Nintendo DS, guys. I have almost no memory of what this game entailed.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy: I only got about 10 hours in before setting it down. I really should have liked it more (they added Laguna! Tifa! Lightning!) but it never clicked.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia: I put at least 500 hours into this, so it really should have a page, but... I quit in 2019 and never finished the back half of the story. I didn't even come back to finish the story before the game got shut down in February 2024. It was a wonderful game at the start, but like most gacha games, it suffered from its own bloat after a point. At least I got to play all my favorites.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy/Curtain Call: I actually have played both of these extensively, but I didn't make a page on it because... it's a rhythm game. What on earth could I possibly write about. (I have not bought Final Bar Line; I was terrible at the demo so I didn't buy it. I miss the 3DS every day.)
For any titles not listed (Crystal Chronicles, World of Final Fantasy, Stranger of Paradise, whatever gacha game is in vogue right now): I haven't played it at all.