Welcome to Classic/Modern, my fansite for the Final Fantasy series.
You may be expecting to find gameplay information or general trivia about the games here, and if so you're in the wrong place. This is very much a personal site to my favorite game series. The purpose of this site is to stand as tribute to the games that have shaped me since I was young.
Navigation is below, with each title leading to my thoughts on the games. If you're completely unfamiliar with the Final Fantasy series, this might not be the site for you; I recommend Wikipedia as a starting point.
These pages have very few spoilers. In general, I only talk about the game and story in broad strokes. The only spoilers of note are that I mention the final overworld map of FFIV and a few late-game abilities in FFXVI.
You may notice that some major releases are missing from the below list; this is because I haven't played them or haven't finished them. You can see a list with further details here.
You may also like to view my top five list for various series elements, or information about the site. You can also check out links to my favorite Final Fantasy sites.
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave a note in the guestbook. Thanks for visiting!
last updated 19 may 2024 ∗ part of the red crown network
listed at emotion & amassment